Privacy Notice


Treviño & Mendoza, S.C. (hereafter known as “The Firm”) hereby notifies you about the rights and responsibilities to which you are entitled to under the terms of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in the Possession of Private Parties (“The Law”), as the use and treatment of your personal data will be The Firm’s responsibility. The Firm’s address is located at 122nd Valle Sol Street, Office Number 403, La Diana, San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (hereafter known as “The Address”), and we can be reached at:

 For the purposes of the following Policy, any client, potential client or interested party will be referred to as “The Subject”.


In compliance with fraction XIV of article 3º and fraction III of article 37º of The Law, as well as with article 70 of its Regulation, The Firm hereby pledges to protect all Personal Data provided by or collected from any Subject; whether this is done through electronic means, physical documents, electronic forms filled through the Firm’s web page (including any Personal Data that might be collected from the “Contact Us” section), phone calls or any other means used with the purpose of collecting Personal Data. Likewise, The Firm pledges to only use any collected Personal Data during the period in which it is required; proceeding to its Cancellation, Blocking and complete Elimination as soon as The Law and Regulation (that applies to the relation that exists between The Firm and The Subject) allows it, in accordance with the responsibilities imposed on The Firm by The Law.

Collected Personal Data.

 Any information that can be considered proof of the identity of a Subject or of a Subject’s legal personality will be considered “Personal Data”, including: Name (s), Last name(s), date of birth, gender, physical description, nationality, marital status, address(es), phone number (landline or cell phone), email, Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC by its acronym in Spanish), Social Security number, Unique Population Registry Code (CURP by its acronym in Spanish), as well as anything else that allows for the identification of a Subject’s legal personality.

Purposes of the Processing of Personal Data.

Personal Data will be collected by The Firm only with the following purposes:

  1. Carrying out any and all activities that are required by the relationship that exists between The Firm and The Subject, whether this refers to accounting, legal or tax services.
  2. The preparation of commercial offers of accounting, legal or tax services.
  3. Preparation of Invoices, receipts or any other accounting or tax related information that The Firm is legally required to provide; and
  4. Sharing with The Subject of information related to the services provided by The Firm, either through social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) or through The Firm’s web page;
  5. As well as for any other activity required to promote, maintain, improve and evaluate the services provided by The Firm.

The Firm hereby pledges that any and all Personal Data, provided or collected from The Subject, will only be processed under strict safety measures, guarantying its confidentiality and its proper use for the purposes previously described.

Processing of Personal Data.

The Firm guarantees that any and all Personal Data obtained from The Subject will only be used for the purposes explicitly mentioned in this Privacy Notice, that it will not be reachable to individuals who are not linked to the previous purposes and that it will be protected by physical, administrative and other technical measures in order to keep it protected and classified; likewise, it will only be processed for the period of time that is required for the adequate fulfillment of the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Notice and once this purposes are fulfilled The Firm will carry out its Cancellation, Blocking and complete Elimination in the period and manner described by The Law.

Transfer of Personal Data.

The Firm hereby pledges that no transfer of Personal Data will be carried out to any third party without the explicit consent of The Subject, with the exceptions required by article 37 of The Law, likewise pledging that any such transfer would be carried out under the terms set by The Law as follows:

“Article 37. Domestic or international transfers of data may be carried out without the consent of the data owner in the following cases: I. Where the transfer is pursuant to a Law or Treaty to which Mexico is party; II. Where the transfer is necessary for medical diagnosis or prevention, health care delivery, medical treatment or health services management; III. Where the transfer is made to holding companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under common control of the data controller, or to a parent company or any company of the same group as the data controller, operating under the same internal processes and policies; IV. Where the transfer is necessary by virtue of a contract executed or to be executed in the interest of the data owner between the data controller and a third party; V. Where the transfer is necessary or legally required to safeguard public interest or for the administration of justice; VI. Where the transfer is necessary for the recognition, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial proceeding, and VII. Where the transfer is necessary to maintain or fulfill a legal relationship between the data controller and the data owner.”

Right to limit the use and disclosure of Personal Data.

Should The Subject desire to limit the use or disclosure of his or her Personal Data, this will be achievable for free and at any time as per is required by The Law, only needing to request a “Form to Limit the Use and/or Disclosure of Personal Data”, though the following email:

In order exercise the right to limit the use and/or disclosure of Personal Data, The Subject will need to present the previous Form at The Address. In addition to the Form, the Subject must present a valid official document that serves as proof of identity and a clear and concise description of the relevant Personal Data. Additionally, The Subject must provide an email, a phone number and an address to receive any and all notifications regarding the answer given to the request, as well as any other information that helps identify and locate the relevant Personal Data.

Right to revoke consent of the use of your Personal Data.

The Subject is fully entitled to revoke any permission given to The Firm for the purposes of Processing Personal Data, requiring only to obtain a “Form of Revocation of Consent” through the following email:

In order exercise the right to revoke consent of the use of Personal Data, The Subject will need to present the required Form at The Address. In addition to the Form, the Subject must present a valid official document that serves as proof of identity and a clear and concise description of the relevant Personal Data. Additionally, The Subject must provide an email, a phone number and an address to receive any and all notifications regarding the answer given to the request, as well as any other information that helps identify and locate the relevant Personal Data.

It is important to keep in mind that we will not be able to meet and/or immediately carry out some requests, due to potential legal obligations regarding the continuing Processing of Personal Data. Likewise, in certain cases, A Subject’s revocation of permission might imply The Firm will no longer be able to provide the services requested by said Subject or might have to terminate the relationship entirely.

ARCO Rights.

Should The Subject decide to exercise his rights to Access, Rectification, Cancelation or Opposition of Personal Data, he or she will be able to do so completely free of charge and at any moment (this rights are collectively referred to as ARCO Rights by The Law), and through the following manner:

In order to carry out the exercise of the previous rights, The Subject will need to present the required Form at The Address. In addition to the Form, the Subject must present a valid official document that serves as proof of identity and a clear and concise description of the relevant Personal Data. Additionally, The Subject must provide an email, a phone number and an address to receive any and all notifications regarding the answer given to the request, as well as any other information that helps identify and locate the relevant Personal Data.

The Firm will have a maximum period of thirty business days counted from the date on which the request of The Subject is received to inform The Subject about the reply to the request. Should the request be granted, it will be complied with within a period of no longer than twenty business days counted from the date on which the request was granted. The Firm may deny granting total or partial access to Personal Data or carrying out any type of Rectification, Cancellation Or Opposition to the Processing of it, when it is required as per the cases framed by The Law.

Changes to our Privacy Notice.

The Firm reserves the right to change or update this Privacy Notice at any moment, in compliance with any new legislation or jurisprudence, internal policies, or any other requirements for the offering and practice of our services in the market; should The Firm do so, it will make this public knowledge trough a publication in our offices at The Address.


Last updated: October 21st, 2020.